Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fall is here

Today was Ellie’s preschool orientation. We woke up and it was business as usual until about 8:15 then we had to get dressed, brush our hair, teeth, and we were off to meet Daddy at Scribbles PreSchool. I got more and more nervous as the morning went on however, Ellie was calm and collect. We walked into her classroom to meet the other parents, kids and Teacher Jill. Mike and I kept saying to each other, “I can’t believe it’s here.” Now you might be thinking its preschool not kindergarten, but for some reason it’s a BIG deal. Ellie is so excited and I am trying my best to not freak out. This is good. It will be great for her and good for Blake and me to practice having her away at school before kindergarten is here 5 days a week. Auntie Marlene came to stay with Blake and baby Viola. When I got home with Ellie he ran to the door still in his pajamas with shoes in hand thinking it was his turn now for me to take him to class. It was a rather sad moment when he realized that he would not be going this year. Tonight we talked about making green slime like Joel did when Kari went to preschool (I will have to get the recipe from you Andrea) and he liked that idea! So starting next Thursday we will start our new morning routine twice a week getting to and from preschool on time. Ellie told be she is looking forward to eating lunch there, playing with her friend Tyson, and doing crafts.

When Ellie got home (it had only been an hour) Blake and her played like it had been days since they had seen each other last.

I started watching my 5 month old nieces Viola or “Baby Ola” this past week. Michael’s sister is a 5th grade teacher at HOI. We have been talking about taking care of Baby Viola this fall for quite some time and it’s finally here. I am so happy to say it’s going absolutely great. The kids love her, I love her to death, she is a very happy baby, and she has decided to take a bottle with no problem. So with cousin Viola and Preschool this is defiantly going to be an exciting and fun school year. I think this is when life seems to fly by a lot faster!


Elizabeth said...

Ellie is getting so big! I can't believe preschool is here already. :) and I didn't know Michelle works at Harold Oliver! I went there. :)

Jess and Jodie Bergers said...

Avery started preschool too! On the way there she said, "Aren't you glad the boys are gone and it's just you and me mom? I hope you don't miss me too much while I'm in school." I love the fact that she is so excited but find myself just wondering around the house not knowing what to do. :-)