Monday, September 29, 2008

Teddy Bear Parade

We marched in the Teddy Bear Parade in downtown Gresham on Saturday with Ellie's Preschool Scribbles. We decorated the kids bikes with teddy bear families (could not just have one) and all wore yellow to match Ellie in her t-shirt that Teacher Jill gave the kids to wear. The sad part was that I FORGOT MY CAMERA AGAIN! I have missed so many things in the past month or so...grrrrr! However, Aunt Lisa got a few on her phone and was kind enough to send them to me. Ellie was just too fast on her little bike to get a shot of her in the parade. Blake was so confused when he realized the whole family (including Charlie in his adorable lion costume) was sitting on the sidewalk cheering for us. He drove right over to them and after a short hello I ran him back into the parade where he burst into tears because we were leaving everyone behind! By the time we caught back up to everyone Ellie was pooped!

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