Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It all started with the silverware drawer

After conquering the silverware drawer yesterday I got the bug. Call it hobby, nervous habit, addiction or just plain Rymanism but I call it fun! Next it was above the fridge, and then it was the computer hutch, which turned into gutting and rearranging the entire living room. After distributing everyone's items into their rooms I just had to attack them as well. Ellie was my BIG helper and Blake just had a blast playing with all the little things I kept finding. Also his drumming station kept him busy too.

If you are wondering, no I did not do this with sweet Viola here. Michelle was sick yesterday and kept her home with her (a true sick mommy's day-with kids). Happy to see Michelle's smile this morning, she looks much better. After a conversation with Jen the other day I realized the difference between having a baby in the house and not. I absolutely adore our sweet baby Viola and love having her during the day... but to all you mommies of three pat your self on the back for taking a shower, getting the dishes done and making dinner. It's just a different world when you aren't hovering over baby to make sure they aren't eating anything off the floor, scheduling vacuuming between naps, or just cuddling up that precious baby. So it's a nice relaxing day to be sitting in my newly arranged chair and ottoman with a cup of coffee and watch these three kids that I am blessed to hang out with all day.
*Reality check...we only blog about the good things sometimes. Life is NOT always this pleasant and I don't always sit and enjoy my kids. But, today I am thankful for my state of mind and state of house. Also, while I was blogging my living room has been dismantled and rearranged into yet another drumming station and a giant ship!

Now here is something I am not good at. I am horrible at planning things like Valentine's day. The kids woke and Ellie was SO excited about Valentine's day...what are we going to do??? Well I had picked up some cookies at gleaners and some strawberries....hmmmm....I can do something with that-right? I told them to sit down at the table because breakfast was a surprise. This is what I scraped together and they LOVED IT!

Then I realized that I had a nerf gun kit I didn't give the kids for Christmas in the garage. I wrapped it up along with a stamp set for Ellie. There's nothing like playing hide-and-seek and shooting each other on a day that celebrates love!

Shawn and Charlie came to play to give poor sick Aunt Mars some peace and quiet. Hope you are feeling better Mars!

1 comment:

Stephanie L. said...

You are such a good mom, Christine!Flying off the cuff for things kids would never know the defference about! And I love your 'new' living room by the way! I was there for worship practice and missed you!