Monday, February 2, 2009

Lesson Learned

Most of you know that I had a major dental bill a little over a year ago. The horrible thing about it is that Michael and I had been doing the Dave Ramsey thing for a while and had paid off the same amount over two years that I was billed for my one visit. It was A LOT OF MONEY and I cried for days over the whole thing. I felt so horrible that I was bringing us back to square one. I learned my lesson that all dentists don't charge the same amount and that they often (not all but at least mine did) charge for unnecessary things. I have moved past the tears and mostly just cringe now when I think about that bill (that we recently paid off!!!!). So when Michael sent me this video today I BUSTED UP LAUGHING!!! This is SO true and SO funny. This will be Michael making my next appointment.


Anonymous said...

Hey Christine... OPEN WIDE!!!!

Anonymous said...

That will be you, not me!! Have fun!!

Stephanie L. said...

That's awesome!! All 4 of us need dental work done (no insurance, of course), so I definitely took some notes. I'm sure the girls will do great with 'no extras!'

Wilson Family said...

Heehee! Too funny! I'm going to show that to Andy!