Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Our favorite tree farm - Loch Lolly Tree Farm

Love this pic of Papa!

The Millers have been going to this tree farm since Michael was 5 years old. It is the best! It has a pond with geese, bond fire, free hot chocolate, the best Santa ever, small barn with the coolest ornaments, and lots of trees. Shawn, Mars, and Charlie came along for the fun this year. Since this place is in North Plains, yes 45mins away, we stopped at Aunt Pam's house for a very yummy lunch. Thanks Pam! Then we were headed home to decorate the tree. Blake was just thrilled to have a real tree in the house and Ellie was in awe of every single decoration that she took out of the boxes. To wrap things up after the tree was glowing, we turned all the lights off and laid under the tree to see all the lights. Sure is fun to watch the kids.

Ellie's realization this week...
Jesus must be the nicest guy cause he let's us have presents on HIS birthday! It really has struck her and she is sharing it with everyone. I love her so much.

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Elizabeth said...

That IS a great tree farm. I remember when you guys took us there. :) I LOVE Ellies realization. So bright! Love it.

Ellie said...

Looks like fun! I love decorating our tree and seeing all the ornaments; so many memories! Thanks for joining in the New Testament read-through with me. And I don't consider you old at all. : )

Wilson Family said...

Great photos! Thanks for sharing! And your doing a read through?!?! You are amazing! Thats a bit more than 5 minutes a day! =)