Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Easter!

Saturday morning Easter egg hunt.
Blake didn't have more then three eggs before he wanted to just sit down and EAT!
Waiting for the hunt to begin.
Blake is teaching Uncle Shawn how to be a lion.
Making some fun and very messy crafts and snacks!
This is one of the things Yaya does best...
"messy fun"

Easter at Papa and Nana's House
One of the things I love most about the Millers are their traditions. They do not mess around. The moment we walked in the house the hunt was on! There were eggs EVERYWHERE!! However, the rule is no touching eggs until you find your basket. It was so cute to watch the kids get so excited as they passed tons of eggs while desperately trying to find their baskets. Once the baskets were found it was a free for all. None of this pink eggs are Ellie's and blue are Blake's eggs. If you find it it's yours!
After all the eggs were found it was time to find the special "golden egg."
There is only one with a treasure inside.
When Michael was a kid the three of them would fight like crazy to find the golden egg. With age the pot got bigger. Hide a $20 bill and your kids will hunt for eggs until....well forever!
The Loot! (sorry some pics are blurry - something is wrong with my camera but they were too cute to leave out)

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