Thursday, March 13, 2008

Jam, Mustard & Kidney Beans!

Well it's time to go shopping again....
Can you tell by now that I go BIG shopping and then wait until we hardly have anything left until I go again! I am absolutely starving for some reason today and the cupboards are empty. I decided that maybe we could go get something quick and then go shopping tonight after the kids go down.

The kids are playing very contently when I suggest going out to get something to eat. Ellie walks over to the fridge and says, "Mom, we have plenty here. There is kidney beans, jam, mustard.....and.....chocolate milk." Then she opens the panty and says, "What else....oh there is oatmeal!"

That's it folks!
Winco here we come!

1 comment:

Wilson Family said...

Oh man, do I know that feeling! Its amazing how quickly the cupboards go from stocked to empty! Thank goodness for Winco! Hope you had a good trip!